Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Easy Granola Bar Replacement

This recipe came a across my news feed on facebook so I tried it and am now an addict. Energy balls are a great replacement for granola bars, an awesome pre or post workout snack, and a quick healthy choice to grab and go when you are in a hurry, great for camping and hiking. They are 100% raw if you don't use chocolate chips. The recipe is so simple my 4 year old could make them. The ingredients are simple and inexpensive. If you are on a very high protein low carb diet, these will help give you the healthy carbs you need while regulating your digestive system and cleaning out your colon.

1 C. Oats: oats contain a unique nutrient called beta glucan. It’s a type of fiber that increases levels of an appetite-controlling hormone called PYY

1/2 C. Peanut butter: Though technically a legume, peanuts have fiber, and  protein. When it comes to antioxidant content, peanuts are the winner *only use crushed peanuts peanut butter. Skippy, jif and all those other brands are loaded with garbage preservatives and hydrogenated oils.

1/2 C. Flaxseed Powder: Some call it one of the most powerful plant foods on the planet. There’s some evidence it may help reduce your risk of heart diseasecancerstroke, and diabetes. That’s quite a tall order for a tiny seed that’s been around for centuries. It is a great source of Omega3 (webmd)

1/2 C. chocolate chips (optional) Though a good 70% cacao chocolate is loaded with antioxidants.

1/3 C. Honey: We use local honey harvested as close to our home as possible to reduce allergies. Honey also possesses antiseptic and antibacterial properties

Directions: mix everything together until well combined. I use my hands at a certain point and knead it like a dough to get it all mixed in. Shape into balls. That's it! Refrigerate and enjoy. Your kids and you will love them. It is a super healthy snack as opposed to that sugar laden Quaker bar!

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