Wednesday, March 5, 2014

"Kettle Corn" That Won't Ruin Your Diet

Popcorn prepared correctly has a lot of great health benefits. It is high in fiber, polyphenals which possess numerous health benefits, including the prevention of degenerative diseases such osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases and diabetes. The other ingredients in this recipe all have great health benefits. This is a snack you can eat and not feel guilty. In fact in moderation it is very good for you. I say moderation only because of the carbohydrate content. However I have eaten 4 plus cups at a time with no impact on my weight. Here are a few other cool health benefits of this popcorn.

You will need:

An air popper: They are inexpensive (mine came from bed, bath and beyond and was around $20) you can buy on amazon
1/2 C. Popcorn Kernals. Organic preffered.
3 T. Coconut oil
1 T. Honey
1 t. vanilla
1 t. cinnamon
Salt to taste with real sea salt.


In a small  sauce pan on med heat melt coconut oil. Add honey, vanilla and cinnamon and stir until well combined. Pepare popcorn in air popper according to directions. 1/2 C. Kernals makes a huge bowl of prepared pop corn. In a large bowl with a rubber scraper pour coconut oil mixture into popcorn and mix adding salt to taste. That's it! It tastes great and is an awesome replacement for when you are craving a salty fried snack!